The Benefits of an Online Tenant Portal for Owners and Tenants

The Benefits of an Online Tenant Portal for Owners and Tenants

How many text messages, phone calls, and emails do you get from tenants each day? The majority of adults in the US are experiencing heightened stress levels. Responding to these inquiries without help will add to your stress and workload.

Instead, consider using an online tenant portal. This real estate technology can benefit you and your tenants.

Not convinced? Read on to discover how an online portal can improve your life today!

Higher Tenant Satisfaction

Your tenants aren't living in the stone age. They're already using modernized tools to improve their lives. Why not do the same to improve their tenant satisfaction rates?

Offering easy living experiences will make your tenants happier. They'll have access to the information they need from their portal.

Keeping your renters happy will encourage them to renew their leases. Generating renewals can improve your occupancy rate. You'll generate more rental income.

As your occupancy rate improves, you can spend less on marketing and tenant screening. Your ROI will rise even more. Providing renters with access to a portal can lead to long-term financial benefits.

Convenient Rent Payments

Collecting rent in person can become time-consuming and stressful for you and your renters. Already, about five million households in the US are behind on payments. The average arrears is over $2,000.

Provide your renters with access to an online portal where they can automate rent payments. They won't have to set aside time to complete the same task every month. Instead, they'll feel confident knowing they'll never fall behind on payments.

You won't need to track down renters and demand payment in person. In fact, the portal can automate late fees, saving you the hassle.

Consolidate Communications

Responding to multiple tenants on various devices can be stressful, especially if you're juggling other tasks. Consolidate communications using a portal. You can see everything from one convenient location.

Some portals allow you to automate responses. Otherwise, consider partnering with a property management company.

They can respond to tenants on your behalf, leading to better tenant satisfaction rates. Rely on their landlord advice to keep tenants happy. With their help, you can show tenants you care about their living experiences.

Streamline Maintenance

Neglecting to complete maintenance requests quickly can lead to upset renters. You're responsible for providing them with a habitable living space.

Allow renters to submit their maintenance requests online. This can keep you from losing requests or neglecting to schedule services.

Otherwise, hire a property manager. They already have connections with local, reliable vendors. They'll gather competitive bids and schedule inspections to help you save money.

Offer Access to a Tenant Portal

Make life easier for yourself and your renters. Consider using real estate technology. Providing renters with access to a tenant portal will simplify rent collection, maintenance, and more.

Remember, you don't have to manage your investment properties solo. Instead, partner with an experienced property management company.

Our team at PMI Beach Properties has been changing the industry for over 20 years. We use effective, proven strategies to make property management a breeze.

Trust our experience, state-of-the-art real estate technology, and valuable resources. Contact us today to start using a tenant portal.
